The Korean Vegan

Recipe Review of The Korean Vegan's Mushroom Galbi (BBQ Short Ribs)

Mushroom Galbi (BBQ Short Ribs) recipe by @thekoreanvegan

Recipe Rating: 💚 8/10
Taste: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️5/5 (Holy mother of !!!!)
Ease: ⭐️ 1/2 (mostly simple, though takes a lil time and care)
Healthy: ⭐️⭐️ 2/2 (little oil and sweetener)
Accessibility: 0/1 (buy the book!)

Holy mother of mushrooms!!! Another hit that makes you just gush at the table!

This sexy mushroom version of BBQ short ribs is one of the tastiest dishes I have ever enjoyed! And it's no wonder! The sauce is packed with flavorful ingredients like red onion, scallions, garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, ginger, mushroom dashi, and even a Korean pear! Without any liquid smoke at all, the sauce still manages to be smoky and sultry, with just the right amount of sweetness to caramelize in the pan.

We paired it with white jasmine rice, steamed bok choy, kimchi, and the potato salad, which is also in the book. But I’ll review that separately. It was an excellent combination, giving us that last little BBQ vibe as we enjoy the last warm days of the year.

Omma's Korean BBQ Sauce can be made in advance and kept in the fridge for when you are ready. Keep in mind, that the mushrooms need to marinate an hour+, so do plan ahead.

If cooking the mushrooms in a pan, like me, here are my tips:
1. Cook all the onions first, by themselves. Then start the mushrooms.
2. Let them be. Once you lay the shrooms in the pan, do not scooch them around. Wait for them to sizzle for about 2 minutes, then scrape under them with a tong, spatula or chopsticks, and peel them off so that the sauce stays attached to the shroom, rather than in the pan.
3. If any sauce lingering in the pan is near burning, just scrape it out with your spatula and keep going. It peels off really easily.

One more tip - A double recipe was easily finished by 4 adults. Error on the side of more! You will want the leftovers! Trust me!


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