
Recipe Review of The Korean Vegan's Mushroom Galbi (BBQ Short Ribs)

Mushroom Galbi (BBQ Short Ribs) recipe by @thekoreanvegan

Recipe Rating: 💚 8/10
Taste: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️5/5 (Holy mother of !!!!)
Ease: ⭐️ 1/2 (mostly simple, though takes a lil time and care)
Healthy: ⭐️⭐️ 2/2 (little oil and sweetener)
Accessibility: 0/1 (buy the book!)

Holy mother of mushrooms!!! Another hit that makes you just gush at the table!

This sexy mushroom version of BBQ short ribs is one of the tastiest dishes I have ever enjoyed! And it's no wonder! The sauce is packed with flavorful ingredients like red onion, scallions, garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, ginger, mushroom dashi, and even a Korean pear! Without any liquid smoke at all, the sauce still manages to be smoky and sultry, with just the right amount of sweetness to caramelize in the pan.

We paired it with white jasmine rice, steamed bok choy, kimchi, and the potato salad, which is also in the book. But I’ll review that separately. It was an excellent combination, giving us that last little BBQ vibe as we enjoy the last warm days of the year.

Omma's Korean BBQ Sauce can be made in advance and kept in the fridge for when you are ready. Keep in mind, that the mushrooms need to marinate an hour+, so do plan ahead.

If cooking the mushrooms in a pan, like me, here are my tips:
1. Cook all the onions first, by themselves. Then start the mushrooms.
2. Let them be. Once you lay the shrooms in the pan, do not scooch them around. Wait for them to sizzle for about 2 minutes, then scrape under them with a tong, spatula or chopsticks, and peel them off so that the sauce stays attached to the shroom, rather than in the pan.
3. If any sauce lingering in the pan is near burning, just scrape it out with your spatula and keep going. It peels off really easily.

One more tip - A double recipe was easily finished by 4 adults. Error on the side of more! You will want the leftovers! Trust me!


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Review of "The 30 Day Alzheimer's Solution" by Team Sherzai

Title: The 30 Day Alzheimer’s Solution

Authors: Dean Sherzai, MD, PhD and Ayesha Sherzai, MD, MAS

Photographer: Colin Price Photography

Date released: March 2021

Subjects / Key words: Alzheimer’s disease, Prevention, Cooking, Plant-based nutrition, Brain Health

30das cover.jpg

Where to buy? or any major retailer
* All the proceeds go to their non-profit: The Healthy Minds Initiative

The SHORT of it…

This beautiful book is an invaluable resource of education, support, how-to, and power - power over your health, and thus power over your destiny. That may seem like a leap to some, but trust me that the small choices we make on a regular basis, add up to big change!

Who wrote it and why are they cool?

  • To sum it up: Combined, they are experts in neurology, epidemiology, and preventative medicine. Dr. Ayesha Sherzai is also trained in culinary arts. They are kind, empathetic, extremely generous with their time, and dedicated to spurring mass community change to put a major dent in the rampant prevalence of cognitive decline. 

Who is this book good for?

  • Beginners, confident home cooks, professional chefs. For beginners, a few recipes may take a little extra time and tasking than you are used to, but the tasks themselves are not difficult.

  • Strongly recommended for anyone who has a history of cognitive decline in their families.

  • Strongly recommended for anyone who suffers from cognitive decline. 

  • Strongly recommended for foodies! You will be in heaven!

  • Also strongly recommended for anyone and everyone! What’s good for the brain is good for the whole body, and we can all benefit from the knowledge and the delicious food in this book.

What’s the draw?

  • It’s a lesson in wellness and foodie bliss in one beautiful package!

My favorite recipes: It’s a struggle to choose so few, but here they are…

  • Spelt Blueberry Scones (pg. 220)

  • Golden Waffles with Strawberry Sauce (pg. 94)

  • Mediterranean Scrumptious Scramble (pg. 111)

  • The Totally Possible Burger (pg. 128)

  • Taco Quinoa (pg. 166) eaten with Chipotle Cashew Queso (pg. 205)

  • Chickpea Barley Soup (pg. 180)

  • Thai Tempeh Green Curry (pg. 143)

  • Coco-Hazelnut Butter (pg. 226)

    • You can read individual recipe reviews for these plus many more by following the Instagram links.


The LONG of it…

Educational portion:

The 30 Day Alzheimer’s Solution is an amazing educational resource, broken down in a clear, concise and easily digestible format.

  • Main take-aways: 

    • Prevention is key, and it’s estimated that 60- 90% of cognitive decline can be prevented by lifestyle choices! That’s HUGE!

    • True wellness and good health are not determined by just one factor. All 5 of these elements work together in harmony to achieve optimal health. You can remember them by using their acronym NEURO:

      • N: Nutrition (the power of plants)

      • E: Exercise (the power of movement)

      • U: Unwind (get rid of bad stress)

      • R: Restore (get good sleep)

      • O: Optimization (challenge your brain)

    • The Sherzais provide science-based explanations to answer questions such as:

      • What foods are helpful and what foods are harmful to the brain and why?

      • What about Omegas?

      • What about fats and oils?

      • How does one implement the NEURO concept?

      • Do I have to be perfect for this to work and are there cheat days?

    • They provide tips on how to clean out your kitchen, how to shop & how to make time to make your health a priority.

Overall Review:

Initially, I was intrigued by the Sherzais’ wealth of knowledge. I saw them making the circuit, listened to them on podcasts, and I was hooked! Then when I saw the book cover, the foodie in me swooned! Whether you are drawn in by the food or seeking knowledge, or both, this book is fascinating and a must have for every home!

Doctors Dean and Ayesha Sherzai are both servants of public health. Driven by their own personal experiences, and a deep desire to help others, they have become experts in their field - leading molecular research projects, clinical trials and organized community-based interventions. They humbly operate with a mantra “to the best of our knowledge at this time” and expertly point out how the world of data and scientific research all point in the same direction - how eating more plants and implementing the elements of the NEURO plan support longevity, wellness and optimal brain health.

Dr. Ayesha Sherzai is the mastermind behind the recipes in the book. As if being a neurologist isn’t cool enough, her culinary expertise and her overall personality has caused me to go full fan-girl! My attraction to the book itself started with the photography! The food photography made each dish so enticing, as if it was begging me to be made! And once made, many dishes rendered us almost silent, apart from the occasional full-mouthed “oh my gah this is so good!”. It’s been such a delicious journey! We’ve been so impressed by how the food has somehow been unique and fresh, yet familiar and comforting at the same time. We just can’t get enough of this amazing cuisine!

As you may have gathered, I absolutely fell in love with this book! And just like with love, I love it even with it’s imperfections. The few times I made something that was less than mind-blowing, I was shocked because I had gotten so used to being in awe. But who am I to say that those two or three recipes won’t be loved by another? I’m sure they will!

Much of the recipe chapter does more than just lay out instructions to follow, but also teaches basics, leaves room for customization, and is a lesson in culinary skill building. All in all, this book has quickly became my favorite cookbook to date. The recipes within are already staples in our home and I expect them to be for years to come.

I am forever grateful to the Sherzais for the positive impact they have made in our lives, and in the lives of others. They are ambassadors of healthy, harmonious living, and the world is a better place because of their hard work & dedication. Their humility, wisdom, and the general nature of their personalities makes their message a joy to listen to, and to participate in. There is zero shame, heaps of positivity, and a love of eating yummy food that keeps the journey fun and the goals attainable. I highly recommend that you not only buy the book, but that you seek them out on podcasts, YouTube, and social media so that you can fully experience the beauty of who they are, and what they do.

You can search “Sherzai” on any podcast app to easily find their own podcast, or the many podcasts on which they were guests. Below are a few podcast videos to get you started. Enjoy! xo

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